Corina was brought up and educated in the spirit of cooperation and communication across cultures and in knowledge of science and information technology. She decided to put these to use for peace and justice in herself, the communities she was living in and in the world.
In the last 11 years Corina had worked in various collaborative peace projects and travelled to over 20 countries as part of multicultural teams. Using various holistic tools and processes it is possible to activate the power of diversity and create new ways of living together. It is an ongoing journey full of achievements and challenges that takes everyone way beyond the comfort zones into the unknown.
As humanity, we cannot solve today’s problems from the same system that has created them. We need to expand into new perception and cognition abilities and harvest the potential of our collective mind. We need to act from a new thinking of the world and of ourselves.
The spaces and processes Corina likes to create and be in with you are meant to allow to tap into this potential.
“It is truly up to each and every one of us.” – Corina Simon