The challenge before us
Complex and fast changing environments are outpacing the capacity of organisations, communities and networks to adapt. Despite innovative alternatives for improving decision making and governance processes, a lack of adequate knowledge, understanding and skills can leave groups frustrated and falling back onto more conventional, yet ineffective ways to try and cope.
We all recognise the need for change
We want to be sure that investing precious time into learning new ways of doing things will give us practical skills and methods we can confidently use.
We are called to develop alternative solutions for addressing old problems, and to assume a new perspective that honours our individual needs while addressing the urgency for more integrated and interdependent human organisation.
Sociocracy 3.0 – a social technology for our time
Sociocracy 3.0 offers a reliable framework to tap collective intelligence in order for us to make more conscious and effective decisions together. It facilitates co-creativity, fosters transparency and guarantees the equivalence of all participants.
Sociocracy acts as “social technology” for unlocking ownership, engagement and a sense of purpose while promoting respect, diversity and inclusion.
It’s an invitation to bring greater awareness to the underlying things that motivate us to act.
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is particularly suited to Entrepreneures and Oragnizations that promote solutions and models based on Ecological and Social wellbeing.
COOPs, eco-social Entreprises, Co-housing and eco-village projects, urban co-working hubs, eco-social Innovation catalysts and incubators, daring and mindful IT start-ups.
During the workshop you will:
Discover what Sociocracy 3.0 is and why it helps organisations to become more sustainable, resilient and elegant.
Know how sociocracy’s core methodology and principles free potential and support system wide optimisation.
Develop skills you can apply within your groups, organisations and entreprises
Learn methods to facilitate collaborative processes, draw on the collective intelligence of groups, and guarantee the potential for equivalence in decision making.
Develop a “solutions focus” and explore the creative opportunities lying buried at the heart of seemingly challenging situations.
About the workshop journey
Our journey together will focus mainly on a deep exploration of Sociocracy 3.0 principles and processes and will consist of a balanced programme with a combination of theory, practice and reflection.
To enrich your learning journey, we will integrate a number of additional, complimentary add ons for developing your Entrepreneurial skills and knowledge: Participatory Facilitation, Theory ”U” (Otto SCharmer), Deep Ecology – The work that Reconnects (Joanna Macy), Process Work and Worldwork (Arnold Mindel), Empowered Fundraising (from Dragon Dreaming – John Croft).
Arrival on the 2nd of August.
The course days are 3, 4, 5, 6 of August.
Departure is in the evening of 6th of August.
More about sociocracy and Sociocracy 3.0
Sociocracy, which means “governance by peers or colleagues“, is an increasingly popular system design, governance and decision-making method based on the principles of transparency, equivalence, and effectiveness. It transforms organizations culturally and structurally, enabling collective intelligence to lead the evolution of an organization, fulfilling team members while creating impressive results.
Sociocracy 3.0 builds on The Sociocratic Method and integrates principles from Holacracy and Non-Violent Communication. It:
…utilises people as living sensors that pick up changes and respond promptly by creating strategies to satisfy organisational needs as they arise.
…meets organizations where they are and supports them in continuously improving work and services through a painless and iterative approach, and at their own pace.
…helps organizations make the best use of talent already present, and enables them to grow structures for effective collaboration.
Who is using sociocracy 3.0?
Sociocracy 3.0 has been applied worldwide in corporations, small businesses, non-profits and non-governmental organizations, grass-roots movements, nursing homes, colleges, eco-villages and cohousing communities, religious organizations, private schools, Agile/Lean teams and international professional and educational membership organizations.
Course language
The course will be held in English and there will be translation support organized according to needs.
The workshop will be taking place at nature-community. A residential place which supports the community buidling and perspective of the workshop. It is located at the czech border between Nürnberg and Regensburg.
Price & Registration
We have a tear price system that includes the course fee, simple accommodations and vegetarian meals. :
460 Euro – Thriving package – for established professionals, companies and organizations.
380 Euro – Start-up package – for start-ups and ‘on their way’ professionals.
For those of you with a deep sense of desire to participate but unable to afford the prices: this is the perfect oportunity to start a dialogue with us. We offer to support you with discounts and coaching on raising more of the money yourself.
We invite all participants to consider joining a solidarity fund together with us, the trainers and organizers of the course, in order to sustainably make discounts available for motivated and inspiring individuals.
Special considerations will be given to individuals coming from Central Eastern Europe and other regions where income levels can be lower. We invite you to a transparent and open dialogue.
We have a limited capacity for 24 people, booking a place early is highly recommended.
The facilitators
Andrei Iuroaia is specialized in and dedicated to the development and dissemination of transformative models of organization. He has combined academic knowledge of Management and Political Science with the experience of 3 years travelling and learning formally and by practice the arts and skills of community building, facilitation and participatory organizational systems in intentional communities, ecovillages and other sustainability focused organizations and projects. He co-founded and and offers his service through coaching, facilitation and organizational design and development services. Read more.
Claudian Dobos is a co-founder of the entrepreneurial community “João Sem Medo”, established as a cooperative under Portuguese Law. Since 2010 he has been supporting the emergence of the Romanian Transition Towns Movement. He is a co-founder of the NGO: “Romania In Tranzitie” and Permaculture Research Institute of Romania.
He is also a co-founder of the “Terra Livre” movement and of the community driven initiative “Aurora Community”, both established in Romania. Claudian co-created the “Communities Convergence” movement and also co-managed of the 1st “Danube Communities Convergence” held in 2013 and 2014 in Romania.
Claudian is a speaker and facilitator on sustainable development, transition towns and community building and also a Permaculture teacher and a facilitator for Deep Ecology – The Work that Reconnects, among many. He is also a trainer and facilitator on communication strategies, communities of practice, community building and integral personal development. Claudian has experience in Communication and Image Management, start-up design and has grounded several business enterprises.
Since 2015 he is the president of the meta-network ECOLISE -the European network for community–led initiatives on climate change and sustainability.
Supporting Organizations for this workshop:
Arise Education
Communities Convergence
Linaria e.V.