Adina Moise
soon available
deep transformation and unknown alternatives to a more meaningful livelihood honouring the life's potential of the human being
organizational systems, communication and interactions between living beings
Claudia Gross
soon available
integral and evolutionary purpose, exploring and building on the individual and collective capacity mind-heart-will.
Being bridges among cultures and beliefs. Activating the individual and collective potential for healing and a balanced life.
Designer, Facilitator for Community Building, Open Heart and The Work That Reconnects
Permaculture designer, integrating his knowledge in civil engineering, gardening and biodiversity restauration
systems that are effective and functional while still contributing to the well-being of all elements involved
Coach & Transformation Catalyst - Creating Safe Spaces for Courageous Innovators
intentional communities, ecovillages and permaculture systems
My purpose is strong and clear: to give back what I learned, supporting individuals, groups and organizations
Permaculture Diplomat, Natural Building and communities practices
© 2017 Arise. Education for Wholeness.